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We support many file formats. We hope you will find your preferred formats among them.
The file size limit for the free trial is 50 KB.
Input file formats:
CAD formats:
Autocad 3D DWG (dwg), SolidWorks (sldprt, sldasm), Inventor (ipt, iam), CATIA V5, JT, Pro/ENGINEER (prt, asm), NX (prt), Parasolid (x_t, x_b, xmt, xmt_txt), PLMXML, SolidEdge (par, asm, pwd, psm), RHINO (3dm), OneSpace Designer (pkg, bdl)
Graphical formats:
Autodesk 3D Studio (3DS), SketchUp (skp), Wavefront OBJ (obj), VRML (wrl, vrml), CGR, Collada (dae), 3D PDF (pdf, prc, u3d)
Neutral & Other formats:
STEP (stp, step), IGES (igs, iges), STL, CATIA V4 (model, dlv, exp, session), CADDS (_pd), I-DEAS (arc, unv, mf1, prt, pkg)
Output file formats:
COLLADA (*.dae), JT (jt), OBJ (obj), 3D PDF (pdf), STL (stl), 3D Studio (3ds)