JT (*.jt)

JT is a lightweight data format, developed by Siemens for viewing purposes in the Product Lifecycle Management. Siemens’ JT format is accepted as the World’s First ISO International Standard for Viewing and Sharing Lightweight 3D Product Information. It supports collaboration and data sharing. JT format and associated software is structured so that extremely large numbers of components can be quickly loaded, shaded and manipulated in real-time. The original first version, JT 6.4 was released in 1997. Version 9.5 was accepted by ISO Technical Committee in 2012
Release history of JT format
7.0 in 1999 – Uses Zlib compression to get approximately 70% compression over JT v6.4
8.0 in 2002 – About 50% smaller than JT v7.0, Lossy compression available for LODs, Advanced lossless compression for JtBrep, Parasolid XTBrep
8.1 in 2005 – CADTags on PMI entities, Flat shading, lighting enable, and separate specular draw styles,View- and World-coordinate lights, Multi-channel and enhanced textures, Vertex- and fragment shaders
8.2 in 2006 – Can tag light sources as shadow casters
9.0 in 2007 – 10%-50% smaller than JT v8
9.1 in 2007 – Greatly enhanced texture image API, Light maps, HDR texture formats, True bump maps
9.2 in 2008 – Lightweight Precise Analytics representation
9.3 in 2009 – User-definable PMI glyph sets
9.4 in 2010 – Separator texture, material reflectivity, User-defined vertex fields
9.5 in 2010 – Separate inhibit fields for material diffuse color and alpha values. Geometry shaders